Krav Maga is the self-defense technique and hand-to-hand combat created by Imi Lichtenfeld in the early 1940s. Initially, it was adopted by Israel’s defense groups before its independence in 1948, when it became the only philosophy adopted by the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), Israeli police and secret service.

Security forces – military, police or private security units – face situations, have goals, risk levels and requirements completely different from the civilian world, and therefore Krav Maga training must be different from what happens in regular classes at gyms.

Click on the photo to understand the training methodology for security forces

Security professionals are exposed to different types of danger, and are publicly held accountable for their efficiency in action. As an aggravating factor, the time to train a unit is very short, it's not years, it's weeks. That's why the training program is shorter and contains much less content.


For each type of role, a specific program, which will consider the common situations that each unit combats on a daily basis, the weapons and equipment it uses, the work environment, type of enemy and objective of the mission.


The training should equip the security agent for personal defense, hand-to-hand combat and also develop emotional strength, preparing him to use his own body as a weapon, and how to use his weapon without having to fire it whenever possible .


It is man's training that defines the outcome of the battle, even with all the technology and weaponry we have today. This is a fact proven in the countless clashes that Israeli forces have faced since the 1940s. The philosophy and training methodology of Krav Maga are considered the “secret weapon” of the most powerful security forces in the world.


For example, a military unit that provides border security faces very different situations from a police patrol unit, VIP security unit, gang combat unit, or property security guard. Each training module is made up of simulations and techniques aimed at the reality of each type of unit.




Each security unit has its own kind of mission, enemy, operating environment, level of aggression, equipment and weaponry. And these are different in each unit. Elite army troops; personal security; police; shopping center safety: each of these, and many others, have unique characteristics, and so the training should be directed. 

Therefore, according to Krav Maga’s philosophy, training for security forces is directed to the needs of each unit. Thus, it is divided into 23 modules, each with the characteristics, techniques and simulations pertinent to each unit to be trained. This form of training results in a faster and effective troop qualification. Check out some of the 23 existing modules:

Self-defense basic training

Personal safety

Security of events

Border Security


Use of tactical baton and tonfa

Ship Security

Police Special Forces

Military Special Forces

Hostage situations

Counter-terror Units

Among Others


The programs can be modified according to the chosen group profile, workload and training form. There are several modules not described on the site, and we can still design a specific program to meet the special needs of agents and / or units.



The courses are taught in different workloads: 16, 24, 32, 40 hours or more, and can reach 3 months of constant training. The differences between them are the number of techniques taught, the variety of simulations and the improvement of the agent.



Training can be done at the contractor's base, where we bring a team of trained and experienced instructors; or at our Training Center in Rio de Janeiro.



Participants who obtain a proficiency index of more than 75% will receive internationally recognized certificates.




With a heroic history record of victories in combat, Krav Maga was restricted to the Israeli military elite for almost 2 decades, as it was considered one of the country’s secret weapons. Later, when its teaching was released, the Israeli experience in defense and combat began, and the technique overcame all difficulties against enemies with numerical and warfare superiority, to the world, getting good reputation in the ​​security field, in several countries .

Today, leading security forces around the world have already adopted the Krav Maga philosophy. Some national and foreign corporations were trained by us and authorized the disclosure of this fact, such as:


The Brazilian Navy Seals, which worked in Rio Olympics 2016 against terrorista attacks)
The Brazilian Federal Highway Police, which worked in Rio Olympics 2016
Personal Security of the Presidency of the Republic
BOPE (Police Battalion of Special Operations)
CIGS (The Brazilian Green Berets)
The Brazilian Army Special Forces
The Brazilian Marines Special Forces
Federal Senate Police
The Guard of the city of Rio de Janeiro
War Material School
The Amazon Guards Company
Brazil's equivalent of the Bar Association
Security Committee from The PanAmerican Games
Secretary for military affairs of the Civil Office
The Amazon Military Police
Presidency of Republic
IPD (Research and Development Army Institute)
Army`s Police First Batallion
3° BI (Infantry Batallion)
12° BPM (Military Police Batallion)
9° Motorized Cavalry Squad
Federal Justice
ACADEPOL - Civil Police Academy
Marinha do Brasil - Company of Navy Police
Anti-aircraft Artillery Battery
Federal Police- Security for the Pan American Games
Rio de Janeiro `s Military Fire Department
CIPM - Special Operations Units`s Command
Republic`s Presidency – Civil Office
TRT - Regional Labor Court
United States Police Defensive Tactics Association
Associação Cristã de Moços
City Hall of Belo Horizonte
City Hall of Teresópolis
Intelig Telecom
Instituto Vital Brazil
Pacin - Mall Security
Grupo Technip
Labor Court
Rio de Janeiro's Security Sub Secretary
Brasília Federal Police
FIEMG Security
DEPAZ - Campos
Rio de Janeiro`s Governor Personal Safety
Brazilian I.R.S.
G.I.G.N. France Anti-terror Force
Several Elite Groups for ViPs Protection
42 Countries Military and Police Forces
Exército de Manaus
War Material School
Quality of business International
Assembleia Legislativa RJ
Certificado 8 Dan
Câmara Municipal RJ
Câmara dos Deputados
Several american states S.W.A.T
Among several other private companies from all sectors and security companies, who did not authorize the disclosure