Frequently, we hold lectures and workshops in companies, schools, colleges and military / police corporations. We talk, show a video and make demonstrations, directing the content to the attendant audience. Therefore, the lectures given to civilians differ from those given to military and police corporations.
In companies, schools and colleges, our lectures are carried out in a very peculiar way. First, we address issues such as self-defense, safe behavior, and self-confidence, under Krav Maga’s point of view. Then we make some demonstrations of defenses against the most common street attacks. In the end, we have a space to answer the questions of the participants. If possible, we also conduct a mini-lesson, passing on Krav Maga’s notions in practice.
In the military and police world, the speech and demonstrations are directed to the unit’s needs. Here, participants can learn more about the philosophy and techniques of Krav Maga and understand why it is the only way of defense adopted by the Israeli army and the best-known elite troops around the world such as SWAT, CIA, FBI, GIGN , Mossad, among many others. During the demonstrations, we show techniques of defenses against chokes, knife and stick attacks, retention of personal weaponry and use of weaponry in defense and non-firing attack.
In addition to lectures, we conduct Krav Maga courses for security units.
For more information on these courses, or to request a lecture at your company or corporation, contact us!
Unimed, Petrobras, SAP, Rede D'or, Sotreq, Uber, US Embassy, British Consulate, Banco do Nordeste, HBO, Ibis, Paris Films, TV Band, Net TV, Brazilian Bar Association – OAB, Central Bank, Sanofi, Eletros-Saúde, Ancine, Braskem, Algás – Gás de Alagoas S/A, Wilson & Sons, Pipa Social, Brazilian Navy, Alagoas Natural History Museum, Caixa Econômica Federal Cultural Center, Pryor Locatelli Consultores Ltda , ASSIST, Public Defender's Office DPGE-RJ, Rose Marie Muraro Women's Institute, AMMP – Association of the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais, SERPRO – Federal Data Processing Service, Apeminas (Mg lawyers association), Bons Ventos radio, radio São Francisco, Dataprev Social Security Technology and Information Company, Elfe Operation and Maintenance S/A, Águas de Joinville, Federal Justice – Itajaí, Hotel Holliday Inn, Cdl-Goiânia, Cgu-Goiânia, Infraero sispat, Melcon, TRT, Senai, Department of Transit of the Federal District, PGDFT, City of Santo André Salón, among others.

UFRJ, USP, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), FAMIG-Faculdade Minas Gerais, Colégio Santa Dorotéia, Colégio Marista Don Silvério, UFMG, Escola Estadual Central de Bh, Military College of Juiz de Fora, Federal Income of Juiz de Fora, College Granbery Methodist, Estácio de Sá University, UNIG (Nova Iguaçu University), UNIMES FACULTY, Univille Physical Education Faculty, Vale do Itajaí University – Univali, IPEMED, CESMAC University Center, Tiradentes University – UNIT, UNIP, União de Goyazes Faculty (FUG), State University of Goiás, Federal University of Goiás, Lycee Moliere, Escola modelar Cambauba, UFRN, Faculdade de Medicina da USP-Ribeirão Preto, PUC-Rio, Ibmec, Wizard, CNA, Escola Parque, Colégio Santo Agostinho, Colégio Santo Tomás de Aquino, Colégio Logosófico, Colégio Santo Antônio, Faculdade Milton Campos, Colégio Magnum, Colégio Franciscano Sagrada Família, among others.

ROTAM PMMG, 12th Infantry Battalion (Lomas Valentinas), RODOBAN Surveillance, Sindipol (mg civil police union), 4th Army Division, 3rd Military Region - POA, Merchant Marine Officers Training School - EFOMM, 5th Regional Superintendence of Federal Highway Police, Marine Arsenal, SITA – Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques, Federal Highway Police, Navy Amphibious Commandos, SVPM, Rio de Janeiro Naval Base, 1st Naval District Command, 1st Marine Infantry Company of the 62nd Infantry Battalion of the Brazilian Army, Guardia de Joinville Municipality, Environmental Military Police, Federal Police Superintendency in Alagoas, Municipal Guard of the Municipality of Campo Alegre-AL, Anápolis Air Base, Security of the Vermelho river network Tiro de Guerra de Anápolis, Guardia Menor de Aparecida, 9 Conojaf, Justice Officials of Goiânia, Special Tactical Group of Motorcycles of the Military Police, Amphibious Commandos – Toneleros Battalion, CEFAN, Naval School, Argentine Naval Prefecture, Army Cavalry , Ministry of Aeronautics, Esplanada dos Ministerios in Brasilia/DF, Clash PMBA Police Battalion, RS Military Brigade – Central Jail, Grupo Águila of the SP Military Police, 5th CSM (Military Service District) Brazilian Army, Federal Chamber of Deputies Security , Military Air Base of Santa Lucía, Training School for Soldiers of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo, among others.